

Running late

NOw here is the thing I was stressed very stressed strangers people at shop counters friends were telling me Calm down, you don’t need to be stressed And I was saying But I am not stressed . But I am not stressed So I was stressed, I was overworked I didn’t get into auditions Our… Continue reading Running late


mapping intimacy

. Proxemics is the study of human use of space and the effects that population density has on behaviour, communication, and social interaction. Edward T. Hall, the cultural anthropologist who coined the term in 1963, defined proxemics as "the interrelated observations and theories of humans use of space as a specialized elaboration of culture". Interpersonal distances… Continue reading mapping intimacy


Walking practice

I walked today for approximately teo hours and the first thing that I am typing in is about measured duration I am wondering if I can combine not using a clock and a practice of durational walking Anyways My hands hurt quite bit I tried out different paces today a) walking in diffe


Links to articles and books

>>>Liora Bresler, Towards connectedness: aesthetical based research, 2006: >>>Vara Neverow, The Politics of Incorporation and Embodiment: Woman on the Edge of Time and He, She and It as Feminist Epistemologies of Resistance, 1994 [accessed 18/01/2021] >>> Pokropski Marek, Affectivity And Time: Towards A Phenomenology Of Embodied Time-Consciousness, 2015, [accessed 18/01/2021] >>> Juhani… Continue reading Links to articles and books


Notes: Valerie Bryson “Time, Power and Inequalities, in “Time, Temporality and Global Politics”

Bryson regards care activities (care for household, children, elderly) as unpaid or underpaid work because it requires mental, emotional, and bodily effort, it requires skills and a good deal of time. Mostly women, still today, have the responsibility of such work. Many of them also have a paid job... θέλει δουλιτσα αυτή η περίληψη... p.… Continue reading Notes: Valerie Bryson “Time, Power and Inequalities, in “Time, Temporality and Global Politics”


On walking

. . . . . >>> Ernesto Pujol: walking art practice about his book: Bibliography on walking >>> >>>